Creed-Miles News, Views and Blogs
Here at Creed-Miles & Co we aim to provide the highest levels of service for our clients and our blog aims to be an extension of these standards, reporting on any exciting changes and events our company is involved in along with highlights from some of the latest trends in office spaces and furniture.

Office Furniture Supplier: Choosing the Best for Your Business
When it comes to setting up a professional workspace, the importance of choosing the right office furniture supplier cannot be overstated. Office furniture is more

Work at Home Lifestyle
With the working world as we know it changing fast and many of us being told to work from home, our good friends at Sven

New Milliken Visualiser Release
We were very excited about the release of the new and improved Visualiser from Milliken flooring. It allows us to help clients see what their

Social Factor Helps Return To Work
We were tasked by our client SHL to help them create a one-way system throughout their office and to reinforce the message for their staff

Milliken Library Update
A few weeks ago Amy from Milliken Flooring took the time to come and see us to update our library and catch up us on

Coronavirus Statement
With the threat of Coronavirus dominating the news, we wanted to take the opportunity to update all of our customers on the measures we are

Tarkett Library Update
On Thursday our good friend Jamie from Tarkett Desso came to update our library and took the time to tell us about what they’re up

Modulyss Library Update
This week Sophie from Modulyss popped in to update our library and show us their exciting new flooring ranges. Modulyss have products that suit most

Tektura Wall Covering Product Update
Last week Tektura Wall coverings paid us a visit to show their new fantastic wall coverings and Zintra Acoustic Panels. “Constantly updating and adding to

Annual BCFA Luncheon
Creedmiles attended the annual BCFA Luncheon as guests of Pledge Seating.

Halloween 2015
The Swan Chair by Arne Jacobsen, with a spooky twist! This year Creed-Miles have decided to take our pumpkin carvings to a new level and

Sopwith Tabloid, 100 years of aviation in kingston
Sopwith Tabloid marking 100 years of aviation in Kingston Sopwith Day an Enormous Success at Creed-Miles’ Albany Boathouse 2014 commemorates the one hundred year anniversary