Flooring Case Study
School Corridor Carpet Tile Installation
SW13 - surrey
Summer Holidays
The existing carpet tiles were not suitable for the constant, high traffic area, in a large senior school.
They were not hardwearing enough and the colour showed every mark.
All carpet tiles to be replaced with a heavy contract tile, fit for purpose, within a limited timescale and a more pleasing colour.
To replace nearly 2300m² of Gradus Bodega, heavy contact carpet tiles to the first and second floor corridors and classrooms.
All carefully scheduled and project managed to run smoothly alongside other trades and existing building works.
- Materials were delivered over 3 phases to avoid large amounts of boxes having to be stored.
- On each floor, the corridors were completed first, followed by all the classrooms. Protection was supplied, not only to the new flooring, but also to the large, expensive paving stones, directly outside the building.
- The installation was successfully project managed and completed before students returned in September, as agreed.
2300m² of heavy contact carpet tiles to the corridors and classrooms replaced during summer holidays.
Tagged flooring case study